Sunday, December 30, 2007

Abbey's Guide to Adult Industry - Private

This is a helpful guide to contacting a Private Adult Industry Worker:

- Always have a cellular phone - That is NZ compatible.

- If answering a newspaper advert and the person has a website associated with their advert,please visit there first before phoning the person (as newspapers are limited as to what adult material they can print by law). And websites can allow a LOT more information.

- Most Hotels, Motels do have guest use computors available.

- When telephoning a private person always give the person at LEAST half an hour to prepare for your visit (as Parlors usually handle "walk-in" trade.

- Never turn up without a booking first.

- If English is your 2nd (or 3rd) language please explain this at the outset of your initial phonecall.

-When quoted prices these are usually not negoiable unless at the discression of the person

- Do not get offended if the person does not choose to take the booking. It is the person's right to refuse as they are working for themselves and may have reasons why. There are PLENTY to choose from. Also this is helpful as it saves wasting both of the persons time.

- Please do not ask for UNSAFE SEX PRACTICES as this is not nice to have to refuse on either side.

- If you do not have the correct amount of NZ currency this maybe , at the decression of the person, and made be made up with the following acceptible ones:
- If you cannot keep a booking Please Ring and let the person know. As this is courteous.
- If unsure of the address look up on a map as to ensure you have got where you are going correct. most give good directions so please listen to the directions carefully.
- Texting is impolite and is seen as "Harrassment Using A Form Of Commmunications Device". So It is good to be polite first up as your appointment can be refused on this basis. So Please ALWAYS ring the person concerned to make an appointment. Politeness is always the key to a successful outcome for both sides.
NB: New Tips will be added to this page at different times so do check it from time to time to make the experiences pleasant and informed for both parties ok. Starting with 2 new tips:

- Please check to see if there are not more than one ad or person attached to ads as there can quite often be more than one with the same name. (double-ups) And this can cause embarrassment on both sides. Just ask if the person has more than one ad on the fone call.

- If saying at an airport motel and looking at making an appointment for nighttime. It is advisible to ring and book time earlier in the day(Book ahead to avoid disappointment). So both travelling costs and time is kept to a minimum for both parties.


Anonymous said...

Wonder that such one exists .. [url=]HrHrHr.[/url]

need some help you just click and i get 1 more pic

aucklandAbbey said...

Wrong place for this question. Please go to correct website for this type of question and I think you already know which one ok. Then I will answer your questions.
Have sa great day :)