Thursday, February 26, 2009

Healthcare Product Industry

Healthcare Products Industry
Having commented on the downturn on some other industries there are some that are thriving still in these tough times.
I, in my opinion anyway, is showing that yes the innovative side of kiwis and others living and working in New Zealand are coming to the forefront.
Good on them I say and hopefully these industries will go some way to helping us win through the tough times also.
And through thriving industries in turn will filter out to other industries, as in lots of ways all industries intertwine with others in the scheme of things.
So yes kiwis and other cultures living and working here will survive through sheer determination and perseverance that we are known for.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Construction Industry

Construction Industry
Yes despite the global recession we are all in projects still go on. Although certain areas may have had falls in different areas this industry still keeps working on. With Infrastracture projects, etc. These larger industries I feel will all help in keeping things moving in the recession.
Along with innovative and small to medium sized businesses and projects happening. It will in time all sizes of companies and industries turn this recession around.
Amendment to my post on this industry
Having read a news item today I am amending this to say:
Yes the recession it hitting some areas of this industry as with most industries. Noting that Infrastructure construction is still going on but a downturn in the housing construction is it looks like affecting other sectors. Which in my book is really sad to see. But a friendly "Hang in there everyone" goes out to all in these tough times and as a kiwi myself. We kiwis will survive and be innovative to survive the tough times now and ahead. We will make it through.

Wine Industry in New Zealand

I will be having a few posts on different Industries in NZ. So if anyone would like to know more about any in particular just drop me a line.
I will start with:

Wine Industry
New Zealand's Wine industry is still thriving with a surge in different wineries being brought to the forefront that wouldnt ordinarily be. Which I find a step in the right direction as it gives a wider variety of wineries and wines to be able to be sampled, brought and marketed. Some already are known for their wines and have gained medals in industry awards also. This is going to give a wider variety to choose from with a more informed choice.